Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Smart Strategies for Successful Weight Loss

For many, losing weight is difficult, but keeping it off is almost impossible.

In fact, according to the World Health Organization, more than 1 billion people worldwide are overweight, and of those, 300 million people are obese. These figures shed light on why the diet industry is now a multi-billion-dollar business.

While those focusing on weight loss are eating less, they are not necessarily eating better. Regimens restricting certain foods or using extreme low-calorie diets often don't work in the long run because they are difficult to maintain and don't provide the body with the variety of nutrients it needs.

How do you lose weight and keep it off without extreme measures? Here are some tips:

* Understand your motivation to eat. Many times stress, fatigue and dehydration are disguised as hunger pangs. Ask yourself if you are overwhelmed, thirsty, bored or truly hungry before reaching for a snack.

* Plan your meals. You don't have to map out an entire menu, but think about what you can eat for lunch and dinner beforehand, so that you aren't grabbing something on the go because you're hungry and it's time to eat. Cook meals ahead of time to have on hand at the end of a long workday.

* Keep your immune system strong. When dieting, it's important to keep your immune system healthy by providing your body with essential nutrients. A health drink called NuVim is a new product that helps maintain a healthy immune system, according to its manufacturer. Tested and proven effective in 19 clinical studies, NuVim also helps with muscle flexibility and athletic performance. The drink contains the antioxidant vitamins A, C and E, along with B-12, zinc, calcium and essential amino acids.

* Find subtle ways to cut calories. For instance, switch from drinking 2 percent milk to skim, or let diet soda or unsweetened tea take the place of regular soda. Low-fat and low-sugar versions of condiments like cream cheese, butter, dressing and jam also make a difference without sacrificing taste.

* Exercise as much as you can. Few people are able to lose weight and keep it off without exercise. While it may seem impossible to fit yet one more thing into an already time-starved calendar, exercising for at least 30 minutes three to four days a week is a must. Working up to an hour, four to five days a week, should be a goal.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Keep Fit For Life At Any Age

Scientists now know that it’s usually more dangerous to not stay active, no matter how old you are. And you don’t need to buy special clothes or belong to a gym to become more physical.

Most people don’t get enough physical activity. Here are some reasons why they should:

* Lack of physical activity and not eating the right foods, taken together, are the second greatest inherent cause of death in the United States. (Smoking is the number one cause.)

* Physical exercise can help people feel right and enjoy life more.

* Regular exercise can halt or put off some diseases like cancer, heart disease, or diabetes. It can also perk up your mood can be a direct result along with helping depression.

* Being active can help people stay independent and able to keep doing things like getting around or dressing themselves as they get older.

There are four types of physical activities you need to do to have the right assortment of physical activities.

1. Get at least 30 minutes of activity that makes you breathe harder on most or all days of the week. That’s called “endurance activity,” because it builds your energy or “staying power.” You don’t have to be active for 30 minutes all at once. Ten minutes of endurance activity at a time is fine. Just make sure those 10-minute sessions add up to a total of 30 minutes most days.

How hard do you need to exercise? The right level of effort is described this way: If you can talk while exercising without any trouble at all, you’re not working hard enough. If you can’t talk at all, it’s way too hard.

2. Keep using your muscles. When muscles aren't used, they waste away at any age. How important is it to have “enough” muscle? Very! Muscles step-up your metabolism, allowing you to burn off more calories during the day when your body is at rest. Using your muscles may also make your bones stronger, too.

3. Do things to help your balance. Every now and then walk heel-to-toe. When you walk this way, the toes of the foot in back should almost touch the heel of the foot in front.

4. Stretch. Stretching can help keep you flexible and will be able to move more freely. Stretch when your muscles have warmed up. Never stretch so far that it hurts.

So, make physical activity a part of your everyday life. Find things you enjoy. Go for brisk walks. Ride a bike. Dance. Work around the house and in the yard, take care of your garden, climb the stairs, or rake your leaves. Regular day to day chores around the house can keep you moving and active.

Monday, June 9, 2014

SPX Nutrition 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 1

SPX Nutrition 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 1

The anticipation of the NEW and BEST weight loss challenge has begun! SPX Nutrition, team support and ninety days to transform, sculpt and make a NEW me!

I have done a 90-day challenge before when Nutri-Thin was with a different company in 2013, and lost a total of 34 pounds in ninety days. After the challenge I had back surgery in June of 2013, and went through quite the recovery, and gained quite a bit of the pounds lost back!

Well... my health is back, my back feels good, and my weight is up, so... Here we go again!

My ideal weight according to "Ideal Body Weight Calculator"

Age: 44
Gender: Male
Height: 5 feet 10 inches

Based on the Robinson formula (1983), your ideal weight is 156.5 lbs
Based on the Miller formula (1983), your ideal weight is 155.0 lbs
Based on the Devine formula (1974), your ideal weight is 160.9 lbs
Based on the Hamwi formula (1964), your ideal weight is 165.3 lbs
Based on the healthy BMI recommendation, your recommended weight is 128.9 lbs - 174.2 lbs

My goal is to hit 165.

It will be tough, and I remember from last time, breaking 200 was such a challenge. My wife and I have studied and learned a lot about nutrition, training, and the effects of Nutri-Thin. With the help of our SPX Challenge community on Facebook, we know we can ask anything to our fitness coaches.

I will be providing weekly updates on the progresses and challenges I face within the next ninety days.

June 9, 2014 - Day ONE - 208.8 Pounds

If you are ready to begin, or get more information (spxhealth[at] please feel free to reach out to us anytime, so we can provide you with any questions you may have.

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Friday, June 6, 2014

SPX Nutrition Nutri-Thin by SPX Nutrition - 60 Capsules

SPX Nutrition Nutri Thin is a science based weight loss health supplement that boosts your metabolism, suppress your appetite, and increase your fat burning possible. Changing how you think and feel about meals is one of the keys to eating for optimum wellness and personal happiness. The science based components found in SPX Nutrition Nutri Thin help feed your mood enhancing appetite receptors, making it a lot easier to resist tempting fattening meals. When you can control the foods you crave, you will change the way you look and feel. What s more, it's created to promote further weight loss by avoiding some of the fat you eat from being absorbed by your human body. This means with Nutri Thin you can lose more weight than you'd from just dieting alone. In addition, unique components in this effective formula make thermogenesis in your body, which in turn burns unwanted body cellulite and fat. As a result, it's going to reduce your general body fat level transforming your body into leaner, healthier one. Allow SPX Nutrition Nutri Thin make a difference in your lifetime. It's time to feel good once again.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Combat the Fat and Tailor Your Supermarket Habits For the New You!

Your local grocery store is laid out to actually SIDETRACK you from choosing the right foods to build muscle! Here's how to maneuver the obstacle course to avoid the mistakes most people make!

Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is the perfect body.

The weightlifting is going great. You have a challenging, but not completely sadistic trainer.

You've carved time out of your schedule hit the gym. (You even remember to run your workout clothes through the wash...hopefully!)

You’ll grow huge, buff, and polished in no time… unless you eat junk.

Everyone’s got to eat. And if your goal is to build lean muscle without the fat, YOU have to eat wiser than the rest.

Get sloppy and you’ll be fighting on both sides in the battle of the bulge.

Restrict your diet too much and yeah, you’ll lose fat; but, you’ll also probably lose interest and head right for some greasy fries and a chocolate shake.

Let’s look at what you can get at your friendly neighborhood supermarket.

Frankly, there are a few aisles no self-respecting bodybuilder will be seen in. (And I don’t mean the adult diaper aisle.)

The bad news? Cross off your list the following aisles: sodas, chips, cookies, candy, pasta, and kiddie cereals.

The good news? Well, you can also cross off the catfood and dogfood aisle. Protein is great, but you don’t have to get crazy.

What’s left? Lean proteins, including fish, turkey, and chicken. Eggs are a great source of whole protein, as is skim milk and low-fat cottage cheese.

Tofu – the mystery “meat” of champions is another great option, especially for vegetarian bodybuilders.

These are all found around the perimeter of the store, which is great because you’ll get some walking in, too.

Now, head down the organic or health food aisle.

If you have a great store, you’ll find some products here that are mainstays of the ultimate bodybuilding diet: whey protein and soy protein products, nuts, whole grain cereals, and soy beans.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

SPX Nutrition - the Nutri-Thin Product

SPX-Nutrition - Nutri-Thin, another product review

Changing the Way You Think
Changing how you think and feel about food is the key to eating for optimum wellness and personal
happiness. The science based ingredients found in Nutri-Thin help you every step of the way by feeding your mood enhancing appetite receptors making it easier than ever to not be tempted by the fattening foods that we crave. When you can control the foods you desire, you will change the way you look.

Melt Away Inches Faster than Ever Before
The special ingredients in Nutri-Thin create thermogenesis which helps the fat melting ingredients attack and burn unwanted body fat and cellulite. Nutri-Thin will reduce your overall body fat level transforming you into a healthier leaner and sexier body.

Block Fat Absorption
The special ingredients in Nutri-Thin help aid your body in supporting your weight loss efforts by preventing some of the fat you eat from being absorbed. This means with Nutri-Thin, you can lose more weight than you would from just dieting alone giving you the edge you need to succeed.

Create a Calorie Deficit and Get Increased Energy
To lose weight, you should consume fewer, or burn more calories than your body needs to maintain your
current weight. The Vitamin B complex found in Nutri-Thin will give you more energy to be more active without crashing like most stimulants. When a calorie deficit happens, your system will burn body fat for energy. As you burn fat, you will lose pounds. It’s Just Simple Math!

The Proof Is in Our Success
Just look at the thousands of people worldwide who have completely changed their lives simply by adding Nutri-Thin to their daily regimen.

Let SPX Nutrition Nutri-Thin make a difference in YOUR life!

It is time to feel good again! 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Seaweed Health Benefits - Sea Vegetables Make A Difference!

Seaweed Health Benefits 

Recently Discovered: 

Scientist all around the world are in agreement with the fact sea vegetables provide one of the most varied spectrum of minerals of any other food found on our planet.  Now I’m not sure how you feel about that fact, but here is the bottom line.  There are many Seaweed Health Benefits that are a direct result of Sea Vegetables supplementation.  

In the Western hemisphere many cultures only became aware of the nutritional value of sea vegetables within the past 30 – 40 years or so.  The Japanese cultures have been benefiting from Sea Vegetables for years and truly experiencing a higher quality of life.  Many of the nutrients that are in the ocean and the human blood can be found naturally occurring in Seaweed.

Seaweed Health Benefits – To Eat or Not to Eat

Some would balk at eating seaweed because it is not the most eye appealing vegetable on the market.  Well, just because it doesn’t look good, surely that does not mean it is not good for our bodies.  Sea Vegetables contain one of the widest ranges of minerals of any food source.  Seaweed is a great source of B-vitamin folate, magnesium, iron, calcium, riboflavin and pantothenic acid.  Also, seaweed contains plant compounds known as lignans, which have cancer-defense properties.  No, we are not saying that it heals cancer, so please do not make that assumption.

Seaweed Health Benefits – Prove It

Recent research and studies by prominent scientists have resulted in the discovery that seaweed is 60 times more effective than land plant salads.  Throughout history those cultures that have known of the health benefits of seaweed have shown significantly less cases of diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s and many other degenerative diseases.  In order study it was discovered that those who consumed more seaweed and algae as a regular part of their diets have less risk of breast cancer than those who consumed more meats.  Case in point, women in Japan have far less cases of breast cancer than those in the United States.

Seaweed Health Benefits – Birth Defect Prevention

Folic acid availability in sea vegetables plays a very important protective role within our bodies and the bodies of our offspring.  Research and studies have consistently demonstrated that proper amounts of folic acid in a person’s diet are essential to prohibiting specific birth defects.  The presence of folic acid is also necessary to break down a dangerous chemical called homocysteine.  This particular chemical can have negative effective on the body.  It has the ability to damage blood vessel walls, and if the levels of this chemical are too high then the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke rise.

Seaweed Health Benefits – Cardiovascular Disease

Seaweed with its many beneficial properties can provide a double amount of protection against heart disease.  As was mentioned earlier sea vegetable supplements contain folic acid, however there also exist magnesium.  Through clinical research magnesium has been linked to a reduction in high blood pressure which could ultimately reduce the risk of heart attacks. 

Seaweed Health Benefits  - Stress Reliever

Who do you know that wants to eliminate a little of the stress in their lives or on their bodies?  Perhaps you are saying to yourself me!  Well, pay close attention because Seaweed is proven to support a person through stressful situations.  The human body’s adrenals operate many of the bodies’ functions that relate directly to resisting stress. When the body feels overwhelmed it goes into a protection mode and during these times, such nutrients as magnesium, pantothenic acid, B-Vitamins are need for energy production.
Seaweed consumption ensures that the body not only has these vital nutrients readily available, but also that the supply is not completely exhausted.  If these essential nutrients in the body are exhausted then that can lead to chronic fatigue, lower resistance to allergies and infections, along with a feeling of anxiety and nervousness.  Yes the human body was wonderfully made and there are many essential nutrients that it needs in order to operate effectively.

Seaweed Health Benefits  - What Now?

Surely you have a desire to improve the quality of your health and not all SeaVeg products are created equal, so you may be asking where can you obtain a Seaweed based product or learn even more.  There is one product that I personally recommend and that I have also been personally consuming for the last few months.  The name of the product is SPX Nutrition SeaVeg, to learn more Click Here.

Monday, June 2, 2014

What is SPX Nutrition Vita-Sea?

 SPX Nutrition – Vita-Sea® is a 100% vegetable seaweed supplement containing the FarmaSea® proprietary blend of 12 whole organic sea plants. It is the most extensive blend of sea plants ever created.

"The oceans will be tomorrow's food store and drug store"
  - Jacques Cousteau
SPX Nutrition Daily – Vita-Sea® is up to 60 times more potent than any land plant salad and contains hundreds of organic plant compounds known as phyto (plant) chemicals. These organic compounds are extremely necessary for proper cell health, but many are missing from our processed food supply and not found in man-made synthetic supplements…making SPX Nutrition Vita-Sea® an ideal supplement to any healthy diet for the entire family!
  • Reduces free radical damage from occurring
  • Removes toxins and heavy metals
  • Inhibits uptake of heavy metals
  • Helps support liver functionality
  • Promotes healthier skin and hair
  • Helps fight allergies
  • Helps relieve stomach disorders
  • Assists in weight loss and with obesity
  • Blocks cholesterol plaque
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Repairs corroded arteries, veins, and heart tissue
  • May inhibit blood clotting
  • Known to stabilize blood sugar
  • And much more!

For more details about  Vita-Sea:

SPX Nutrition Vita-Sea Testimonials

For tons of SPX Nutrition Vita-Sea Testimonials referencing the health issues listed below, please visit the dedicated product support site. Link is below the list.

Acid Reflux 1
Aids 6
Allergies 6
ALS 10
Arthritis, Joint Pain 10
Asthma 22
Athletic Performance 15
Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia 19
B -12 19
Bladder 21
Blood Pressure 27
Cholesterol, (positive blood results) 34
Cancer 28
Colds, Flu 42
Diabetes 49
Degenerative Disease 49
Emphysema 65
Energy and Mental Clarity 50
Eyes 66
Fibromyalgia 67
Genetic Disorders 68
Hair, Skin, Nails 70
Intestinal Issues 80
Kidneys 81
Menstrual, Menopause 82
Muscular Dystrophy 83
MS (Multiple Sclerosis) 84
Overall Healthy Feeling (relief from pain, depression) 88
Pets 112
Pregnancy and Vita-Sea 121
Sleeping Soundly 122
Stutter 128
Tendonitis 129
Testosterone levels 130
TB (Tuberculosis) 131
Tumors 131
Thyroid 134
Weight Loss 142

Sunday, June 1, 2014

SPX Nutrition SeaVeg™- Whole Food Nutrition At Its Best!

SPX Nutrition SeaVeg™

Our bodies naturally desire good foods and healthy nutrition.  Given the fact that most people lead extremely busy lives it makes it very challenging to supply our bodies with what it needs in order to thrive.  Often times it has been stated that if you take care of your body, then it will take care of you.  Now the question can be asked, are you taking care of your body?

Generally speaking we humans do a poor job when it comes to one the most important things that are key to our health and that is proper food and nutrition.  People love to eat junk food and fast food.  Before we even consume most foods we already know if they are bad for our health.  Why do we proceed on as if we are not going to have to pay the price later?  Call it convenience, call it laziness, say it taste good or that is what I like, but the fact remains that we do it and until we change the results are going to be the same.  Poor Health!

SPX Nutrition SeaVeg™ Introduction

In the course of this SPX Nutrition SeaVeg™ review, you will be introduced to a nutrition supplement derived form sea vegetables that your body will enjoy.  Good health is something that many desire, but only a small fraction of the population ever attain.  As you will learn consuming sea vegetables can provide immense benefits and value to your over health and wellness.  

What is SPX Nutrition SeaVeg™ I could give you all types of technical and scientific terminology, however I like to keep things short and to the point.  So here is the answer, SPX Nutrition SeaVeg™  is a 100% Whole Food Nutritional Supplement from the sea which offers numerous benefits for our deprived bodies.

Your body naturally craves good healthy nutrition because it is simply the way we humans were created.   Unfortunately many people feed their bodies’ unhealthy foods as the norm and this makes it difficult for our bodies to properly function and maintain itself.   If it is good for you then surely you what to know what it contains.

SPX Nutrition SeaVeg™ Ingredients

Exp Body SeaVeg™ has a synergistic combination of some 12 whole food organic sea plants.  It is also a 100% Sea Vegetables product that contains the FarmaSea (registered trademark) Seaweed blend.  There are many Seaweed based nutritional supplements on the market, however no of those contain the healthful combination of Phytonutrients which were specifically formulated to enhance the quality of your health as quickly as possible.

Now there is still more information to share with you regarding the ingredients of SPX Nutrition SeaVeg™.  Powerful nutrients like seaweed nutrition, lipids, omega 3’s and 6’s along with antioxidant and trace minerals really lay the foundation for quality all natural health benefits.  Through numerous studies these nutrients have consistently been linked with the acquisition of more oxygen in the blood, improved organ functionality, a more youthful and vibrant appearance and a shift toward optimum health commonly referred to as homeostasis.

Is SPX Nutrition SeaVeg™ Different? 

With nearly 60 times the potency of any land plant salad, while containing over a few hundred organic plant compounds, it’s easy to understand the superiority of this all-natural nutritional supplement.  To achieve proper health at the cellular level, which many products simple don’t, SPX Nutrition SeaVeg™ has left out all synthetic supplements.  As a result SPX Nutrition has for your availability the ultimate in Organic Whole Food Nutrition (SPX Nutrition SeaVeg™).  If you are truly looking to experiencing positive health benefits then learn even more today.

Notice these benefits that have noted through the use of consistent consumption of SPX Nutrition SeaVeg™.  
Again these are just a few of many health benefits that may be derived from SPX Nutrition SeaVeg™.    
Sea Vegetables - Benefits:
  • Free Radical Damage Reduction
  • May assist in the reducing allergic reactions
  • Weight- loss
  • Proven to potentially lower cholesterol
  • May naturally stabilize blood sugar levels
  • Assist with Diabetes (Not Cure…..)
  • Many, many more benefits
SPX Nutrition SeaVeg™ Function

People often ask the question, how does sea vegetables products really work and what makes it so different?  Derived from ocean plants which are able to absorb the benefits of sun rays and nutrients form the sea, SPX Nutrition SeaVeg™ stands hands and shoulders above other Seaweed supplements.   As a result of photosynthesis, which is a naturally occurring process, ocean plants manufacture the needed vitamins and nutrients that the human body sorely lacks. 

SPX Nutrition SeaVeg™ makes up for the deficiencies that we have by delivering the nutrients and vitamins form these ocean plants to our bodies on a cellular level.  Each capsule of SPX Nutrition Sea Veg contains a very well balanced combination of Sea Vegetables and other natural organic compounds and of importance to many is the fact that these are synthetic Free.

No need to worry about unwanted side effects, gone are the worries of reading about health reports and new data studies.  Sea Vegetable nutrition has been around for years and as more people become educated on the wonderful benefits and properties, the word will continue to spread and SeaVeg™ will benefit the masses.  Start taking SPX Nutrition SeaVeg™ today and allow your body to testify to the fact that an organic supplement can make a huge difference in the quality of your health.   
SPX Nutrition Daily SeaVeg™ Is Not Your Average Multi-Vitamin or Supplement!

To Learn More or Order Today Click Here